I think Path of exile has an awesome story line but it lacks much of what we have come to love with hack and slash games. The graphics are lacking compared to games like Diablo 3 or maybe on par with the original WOW from 15 years ago. The classes in the game really make no difference so why not just have 3 male and females characters and be done with it. You can play as a witch and use a two handed sword to cast spells or play as a duelist and use a wand which makes no sense. The skill tree is an absolute joke as it is not class specific so as a duelist which they try to show as a sword class character you can end up picking wand skills. The other problem is the gems you can find to learn new skills. You start the game with certain gems and they increase in strength as the game goes on but by the time you hit level 10 or so the gems pretty much are junk and useless as they would lower your damage by switching to them. You are better off just selling them instead of taking up storage space. I believe this game could compete with Diablo but needs a real overhaul on the game mechanics.