Got the 25th Anniversary steel case edition and for what it is worth and the amount of credits that got nerfed on the update....this is ridiculous! Highly disappointed in how the game only allows you to do one single type race when offline....servers could be down and that means that the game is useless for the time being.
I was enjoying the first few days but then got discouraged by the level of difficulty some events are at....I have 85% of trophy's on sport and Platinum on Gran Turismo 4, I consider myself a veteran and love racing challenges but to make a license test be 1-3 hrs long for a gold score is ridiculous!!!
The fact that YOU CANNOT SELL vehicles is mind boggling! The money one has to spend on Microtransactions is INSANE!!!! The developer forgot that GT7 is (was) a pure/enthusiasts racing simulator without having to fork over money.