what word alone can sum up this most wonderful Wes Anderson offering?
of course, this word can likewise be ascribed to each of Wes' films. but this one in particular, more so than ever.
it is first and foremost, a journey film (not to be confused with a road film). and as you would have it, the external journey, and all of its foibles and landmarks, reflects and refracts the inner journey of three discontented and dysfunctional brothers. and that my good friend, is just the first of the myriad layers.
the cast. the cinematography. the script. the irony and the sharp yet deadpan wit.
the music.
all standard fare you would expect from a Wes Anderson film up until now. but whats the angle here? to this i would say...alot of what this film wants to say cannot be said in only one veiwing.
it is by far the most demanding and the most dynamic, yet most subtle of films that will have you digging out new insights and treasures with each new veiwing, even years down the road.
and i would have expected nothing less from this filmmaker, a true master of his craft, who seeks to rewrite the rules of cinema with each outing.