Serious disappointment. Considering the cast drawn together for this film, It had such potential, especially considering the concept behind the story. It takes a grand concept and falls victim to the challenge of trying to do everything everywhere all at once. If you're familiar with the movie "Up", just imagine "squirrel" distractions 96% throughout the film. There is an element in the movie the characters seek to avoid (unless you’ve been drawn in and then they are driven towards it: a bagel – yes a bagel. Mushrooms would have served better because consuming bagels before making a movie never ended so badly. The story -- the core of it -- could have been relayed in about 12 minutes. The rest was belabored. The acting was notable, especially by Quan. Hsu and Yeoh have the standout moments as well where they either are on mark or draw you in to the story, but this movie is ridden with so much that weighs it down -- who knew fluff could be so heavy?? Do yourself a favor and go buy a bagel instead – don’t get sucked in. Either that or eat some mushrooms (not recommended) and make your own movie… it can’t be any worse.