What's not to hate here? Her nonsensical and utterly boring rambling that takes up half an hour of this hour and 45 minute album? A totally shot voice that decays further as the night goes on? Repetitive, boring, unmemorable, unfinished, badly performed, samey songs for the other 75 minutes? Lauryn showing genuine contempt for the people who chose to suffer through this trainwreck? Her constant excuses for this dishevelled, unworthy performance?
People say this is honest, and if so, I think Lauryn *honestly* doesn't like music, *honestly* doesn't like her fans and *honestly* doesn't understand the basics of being a performer; this whole album reflects incredibly poorly on her. This is absolutely excruciating, the drop in quality this represents from her debut is one of the sharpest in the history of popular music. If I could rate this 0 stars, I would.