I just recently picked up the ps5. While waiting for it to come in, went to my local Best Buy and started searching for a game. I heard about Returnal, but it really didn’t grab my attention. I read a review of Ratchet and Clank, a rift apart and was like “hmm why not”. I picked it and awaited for my ps5 to come in. I was playing battlefield 4 on the ps3 (yes still rocking it) and the ps5 came in. Hooked it up, inserted the game, and jumped straight in….and oh, my, gosh….this game is insane!!!! The visuals are so crisp and beautiful. The gameplay is fun and exciting, and the story is soo good. This game really shows off the performance of the ps5. Anyone looking for a great game to start playing on the ps5 or just to play a spectacular game, they really need to pick this game up. (Haven’t finished the game yet.)