Always laggy on ps5, rubber banding in vehicles, half the time I can’t hit ppl 5 ft in front of me. Hit boxes must be messed up too. Makes no sense. I put in 300 hrs and I’m scared to engage targets head on because I get shot instantly, and seem to miss a lot of shots. This is coming from someone who played the original call of duty and battlefield when it first came out. So you can imagine my frustration, as I am useless in this game. You’re literally better off fighting in a real war, as you statistically have a better chance of not dying compared to this hot garbage dumpster fire trash of a game. I’ve decided to delete this for my own mental health and just go to the gun range instead and save myself the aggravation, as I can actually shoot on target for a change, and don’t feel like smashing my tv into a million pieces.