All together it was an awesome show!
The character and story lines were well written. The only issue I had was the projection of racial divide.
I completely respect the scene shedding light on racial discrimination and it is important that we educate our youth in the matter, but by placing such a strong message in a film that project most Caucasians as being bad in some way, showed that one of the producers obviously has a victim mentality, which is a huge contributor in fueling the fire that is racism.
We are never fully going to address the hate that is causing this divide with a victim mentality. I completely believe in equality but this can never be achieved as long as we have ignorance being projected in the form of subliminal messaging.
We can create positivity all day but if there's the slightest bit of negative energy, it can corrupt the whole idea. in the words of Buddha, "hate cannot dispel hate, Only Love can dispel hate!"