As an old time Ac player I feel like the game is a return to form, is it perfect? Not at all, its an experimental side project, whe hypothesis being "do people enjoy the more grounded personal narratives of earlier in the franchise?" I personally think yes, don't get me wrong, I loved Bayek and Aya (what little we got to play of her) Kassandra (wish they'd had the nerve to maker her the standard pc from the get go) and Eivor (no comments Eivor was Great lol loved her) but the world as open as it is feels Grindy, not that its terrible, I spent many an hour just admiring boat trips through Greece and rivers of England, but I did long for a world that felt more lived in instead of just open empty space, in short I love the return to a narratively driven character, the excessive player choices tended to make the characters feel disingenuous, and I love the focus on the living breathing city, is it perfect? No but its a step in the right direction