A disappointing stumble through a bad script and poorly-executed special effects. I was mildly entertained but disappointed with what could have been a fun and spectacular show. The plot is lazy, clunky, shallow, and leaves out important details or connecting facts, yet they expect the audience to accept and believe it. While this is to be expected in a superhero/DC Comics/Marvel film, it just didn't work here. No depth to the characters, no relational connections, Wonder Woman was a snot, not the woman of strong character we love. Was this written by 8th graders? I felt sorry for the talented cast. Kristen Wiig was fun to watch in her character, I think for me because it was great to see a woman in her late-40's playing a strong and sexy role. However, her character was all over the place. Not her fault - it was the mediocre writing. I hope they do better next time. I'm a huge fan of Wonder Woman, but this movie is an imposter.
In reference to the reviews referencing escapism, it doesn't exist here. I kept waiting for it, and it never came. I guess I have higher expectations.