I'm not much of an anime fan, but I'm definitely a pretty harsh critic of anything cinematic. Not that my opinion is paramount, but I can tell when I like something and know the reasons why. When it comes to Star Wars: Visions, each episode is non-linear. Meaning some can be good, and some can be bad. Unfortunately, most of these end up in the "Atrocious to Mediocre" category. The only episodes that really stood out were 4 and 5, which were genuinely pretty serviceable. What makes these episodes stand out is literally everything on the board you can imagine. Pacing, plot, characters, dialogue, setting and most importantly, immersion. I highly suggest episodes 4-5 because they really get the job done in a short amount of time, which is hard to do. However in episodes like 2 or 3, the whole system falls apart. Plot? Why do you even ask? Characters? How about hollow shells with zero depth? Dialogue? We got a terribly performed song. It's actually horrendous in some places. In all honesty, I haven't watched a worse non-linear show in my entire life. From the terrible writing, the always questionable character designs, droning or over-the-top dialogue. There is no reason to watch this show. It is blatantly a waste of your time, unless you like the feeling of looming existentialism over your head asking, "Is there any hope left for humanity?"