I’ve been waiting to watch this movie since I first saw the trailer. It really looks great, and I thought it might be good for kids who have lost their love ones to help them understand what happens when people pass away. Well, I didn’t really Think it helped anyone understand anything. Like at all. I don’t understand the movie, it was like three movies and one and there wasn’t even any characters that were really great. It just all sucked it all really sucked don’t watch this movie I wasted an hour of my life and now I know when I die I will just look back and remember when I watch this movie and how I felt that I wasted all that time like how you might feel right now after you have read this whole review and he realizes just a whole bunch of things saying how much the movie sucked. I really wasn’t that great but now we are going to watch borough and see if it’s any better anyways have a great happy new year goodbye