This flawless, glorious, game about hats and some fighting minigame has taken over 700 hours of my life from me, and have to say, I loved every single second of those hours. From the huge things like the gameplay based off of the nine iconic mercs made to do certain tasks and counter other classes, to the small things like the funny hats, taunts, or promo items. I am a hybrid main, maining Heavy, Pyro, and Engineer because they're just so fun to play as. Heavy mows down unexpected opponents and is the character who dragged many people into the game from his "meet the team" trailer. Pyro, who was the last to receive a trailer but neefed the time to show people who he was, that cute minded, flamethrower using, monster that is also really funny when you use airblast. Engineer, where you either have dire, dangerous fights to win a game, or you're laying down in your robot lawn chair with your sentry gun in the intellegence room. That takes me too the gamemodes. Valve started with a couple gamemodes, but soon made more of them. There's ones with control points a team needs to capture and defend, capture the flag, (self explanatory) and payload, but it has other gamemodes, like ctf with power ups and grappling hooks, ones with UFOs, one taking place in medieval times, payloads racing, or some soccerhockeybasketball. The community also makes fun gamemodes like the apocalyptic x10, where all weapons stats are multiplied by ten, versus saxton hale, where you and a bunch of other players defeat one boss player, or randomizer, where every life you are equipped with a random class, primary weapon, secondary weapon, and melee weapon. The gamemodes, characters, and maps have helped make this game last twelve and a half years. But, what about the community? The community has done so many things to help this game stay alive. The community has made lots of the game for valve using the steam workshop. They have made weapons, hats, taunts, and maps for valve. They even make up sub-classes using special loadouts like the trolldier, the soldier class but he is now, instead of shooting rockets and rocket jumping towards an advange point, (one of the moves in the game that allows fast movement) he is now based entirely on rocket jumping with a rocket launcher that does no damage and hitting people with a shovel that does extra damage while rocket jumping. There's also the demoknight, where people took the grenade shooting, stickybomb detonating, demolition man into a knight with a sword and shield that charges into an enemy with his sword that does critical damage while charging. There's so many great things about this game, Valve. Please, for the love of god, update the game. We haven't had a major update since october 2017. Thousands upon thousands people love and enjoy this game so much, we need another update. We have lots of weapons, maps, and cosmetic items for you in the workshop that are all ready to go. I rate this game 5 Soundsmit- i- i mean, five stars for its interactive gameplay, cosmetic items, and amazing community.