(Spoilers Ahead)
It is a movie with basic storyline and the best cgi in the world at the moment, stunning visuals of nature and under the water captures the audience attention
But the storyline is not great, the kids are getting kidnapped every now and then
The movie is pretty much the copy of the first one just in a different world (under water) as the title suggests
Some of the scenes that I recalled were
When his second son was trying to escape from a killer whale like creature under water just like his father did when he arrived in Pandora( when Grace said run and he hid under a tree and the creature was trying to eat him)
Grace daughter is now Eywas favourite like Jake Sulley was in the first one because of all the white sacreds seeds of the tree came to float on her
Just like the first movie taught jake sully to live like Naavi the same thing is repeated here but it is now how to live with water
His second son becomes friends with a whale type of lonely outcast creature just like his father controlled the dangerous dragon Turuck Makto in the first one
The first half seems like a documentary picture on nature and oceans and the second part didn't connect with me..
The makers knew this and they killed the first son to make audience empathetic in a basic storyline
At last 20 minutes I was feeling that please Cameron end this movie. It was a very very long climax and in first movie jake had green eyes now jake has red eyes
In avatar 3 he will have purple eyes and the series will go on and on........