I am not rating this any stars, to make that point clear first.
Secondly, the first film, THE LEGEND OF THE TITANIC, was already such a logically anesthetic film I have many multiple times regarded it as the undying absolute worst film - not "animated" film, but film as a complete whole - of all observable film history. The first film is the only abomination of a film I have ever seen, out of all the bad films in my short lifespan, that has ever lacked all three of these elements out of which usually only one lacks in the films that don't perform: plot, theme, and consistency. But the worst trait of this film is that not even the binding meta of historical truth can keep the film from sinking; put in simple English, an octopus, who somehow has evolved the appendage of a dog's snout on it's face, saves the Titanic from sinking long enough for the people to all survive the incident, with the surprising exception of the villains. This makes every victim of the true RMS Titanic, along with James Cameron's ancestors, rock in their coffins with rage.
And that was the first film. To put the sequel into comprehensible terms, let's idealize that the first film was the atomic bomb shell, and that the sequel is the radioactive splitting of atoms inside that creates the destructive explosion. This is the antichrist that is IN SEARCH OF THE TITANIC, which makes every conceivable quarter of a so-titled effort to squeeze in every single service of supporting the dream that their 4 year olds have somehow been cursed with concocting. Never before has professional dental flossing seemed less painful.
As a TLDR, think of the three worst films you have seen in your entire life, combine them, put them on steroids combined with Creatin laced with antioxidants and growth hormones, and try to make that amalgamation par with this movie. It will fail.
The fact that this is supposed to compete with the James Cameron classic makes one nauseous enough. May that film outlive a hundred thousand lifetimes of this idiotic conception of a wannabe-movie.