I so hope there is a second season. I watched this after watching Bloodlands (which Charlene McKenna was also in. Check that out, but be warned - there won't be a fourth season ðŸ˜). Clean Sweep is well worth sticking with. I found it to be a great commentary on how we still find ourselves in 2023, in the grip of the patriachy. A husband, obsessed with his wife, but unable to control his wandering... eye 😉 A recurring theme involving the little woman at home (and out and about) wearing all manner of gloves, which culminates in hubby asking wifey to wear them in the bedroom. The husband's work partner (and sometimes lover), already disillusioned by society's inequalities, comes to the slow and horrifying realisation that there is no escape from them. The world is a misogynistic, racist, bigoted place, where the most physically strong, lord their power over those physically weaker. BUT if a little woman finds the right man... well then; what is more powerful than that woman's little finger? Clearly, the show was written by someone with an exceptionally dark sense of humour. On the one hand we have the victims of the patriachy (the girls trafficked, the partner's story), while on the other, the women who (with as much evil as the patriachy can muster) use it to their advantage (the eldest son's extremely immature ex-girlfriend; and the wife). I mean, it's no wonder the patriachy is hell bent on dividing and conquering the demographics it makes money from. This show proves how scared it is, of its enemies banding together to conquer it. So scared, that it tries to tell us that the only way to survive, is with the right man. I hope I live long enough to see it proved wrong. Alas, I can only watch women wreck havoc in men's lives in unhealthy fashions, until someone is able to get enough opposers of the patriachy together, and we can crush it once and for all. Hey, a girl can dream ðŸ¤