This show paints Jedi in a not very good light. For example, Jedi Knights don't attack, they defend. The Lightsabers in this show are weak compared to, I'm really not kidding here, a KNIFE.
Yes, it's true. A knife. There's a scene in the show where it has a campfire IN SPACE. What sense does that make?!
According to Harvey Weinstein's personal assistant, this show is about "the villainous-actually being a powerful, misunderstood woman." Oh yeah, because all the stories you've seen weren't the least bit exciting nor credible, were they?
The first episode focuses on Osha Aniseya, who is a former Jedi Padawan accused of murder. Gee, does THAT SOUND FAMILIAR?! (Ahsoka)
This show had the original Star Wars formula. Follow this: Twins? Check. Dorky teenager? Check. A wise Jedi Master? Well... check.
Why is Mae Aniseya wearing a mask? Who does she think she is, Sheik from the Legend of Zelda?
Vernestra Rwoh looks like she was a reject from Star Trek and got a lame haircut.
Overall, the show is really, really bad. The fight choreography is a joke, the acting is horrendous, the plot is unoriginal, and the writers of the show are brainless, uncreative and lack any writing skill.
There's a reason so many people don't believe this show exists, because quite frankly, we don't WANT to believe it exists. It's so horrible that we, as human beings, don't want to believe that we created it.
P.S. Don't take this review down. I will repost it.