I love the first movie. 5 stars all day. Part Two is such a let down. Stylistically it's just as good but the plot, the characters and the action sequences just bored me to death. It is as if the entire cast and production crew just became exhausted from making the first part and then just phoned this one in.
The music from the first film was truly epic - a main character in it's own right. In this film it's turned into a extra, barely even that. The music only comes in every now and again to try and make some end of scene feel more dramatic (and it fails at that). They turned it into nothing more than a tool rather than the feature that it was in the first part.
The plot is plodding and ridiculous, and both obvious and unimaginative. I guess the book is to blame but still.
The trials that Paul goes through have no dramatic tension to them at all. It's like the director gave up trying to make us feel even a little jeopardy, and just went 'this happens and then this happens and then this and now he's the one!'
So sad.