I took my kids out for a family date (they’re all 15 & up), and we want a part 2! The movie was everything it was supposed to be and more. Action packed! I laughed (actually snorted like a pig once and was embarrassed lol) every few minutes. It’s definitely a movie i will watch 1000
Times over and over. Brad Pitt is freaking 58 years old and still big fyne lol. I’m glad
Kids get to know him as an actor and can
Appreciate his work as much as we all have. Every single actor/actress bodied
Their parts. Superb!!!!! . (I also cried a little twice such a softie )
The stories tied together so perfectly , the violence was made humorous, the lessons were taught. We left feeling great as a family, it put us in a really gold mood as violent as it was.
Definite 5 stars! Definite encore! Definitely worth it!