You know it truly amazes me how so many people can do or say some of the most absolutely disgraceful and despicable things about OUR President of the United States (and his supporters) but apparently that's OK even despite the fact that it's mostly falsehoods & lies. Then there's Judge Jeanine who speaks the truth and she gets suspended?? Are you kidding me?? For what? I don't see where she did anything wrong. Congresswoman (how did that happen anyway) Omar talks all kinds of hate and barely even gets a hand slap Judge Jeanine calls her out with some very valid points and she gets taken off the air. Really?? The Judge is one of the few people out there that's the total package she's got brains, beauty and the backbone to stand up for what's right. She will push for accountability where others should but fail and she tells it like it is and has no problem doing so NEWSFLASH - Which is exactly what we (the people) (alot of people) love about her. So Fox News..... One question.... Fair and Balanced??? Oh yeah if you think for one minute Donna Brazille will bring you anywhere near the ratings you get from Judge Jeanine you're wrong. Well, the weekend is coming up and looking foward to seeing the Judge back. I really hope to see her back and if I don't..... I guess there's always NEWSMAX