I don’t know, maybe I’m too old to be playing games like this now. I can’t get past the second chapter, simply finding my way up to an objective. I’ve always found the AC games to be unintuitive with their controls and janky, and this title is among the worst when it comes to that. I’m so used to running towards an obstacle and being able to judge whether the character will treat it like a ledge and hang onto it, but not with this game.
I just feel like I shouldn’t have to rely on a guide to get me past an incredibly simple “you’re down here, now go up here” quest, but I’ve gone up and down everywhere I can think of for half an hour and have made zero progress. So, this is where my experience with this game ends.
Like I said, maybe I’m too old. Maybe I’m too impatient. Either way, I’m not trying to play a game that’s supposed to relieve me of the stress I’ve built through the week just to get even more PO’d because it’s unintuitive.