This is supposed to be a news program where presenters should be delivering factual accounts without offering their personal opinions. Basically the whole team think that they are there to Laud it over the viewers with their unwanted personal inputs and opinions. For example : what has Louise Minchin`s triathlon got to do with a news bulletin ??? .. thousands of people complete triathlon`s every day without exposure to the media , what makes her so different ? .. Answer : she isnt !!! .. Naga Munchetty`s voice is nothing more than an irritating " shrill " to match her irritating supercilious attitude and air of superiority. The lanky ,insipid, Dan Walker is nothing more than an overpaid "Yes man" who again sees himself able to deliver personal comments as and when he sees fit. The BBC high archy need to get a grip of this team of self indulgent, egotistic, so called presenters & tell them to keep their personal views / opinions to themselves !!