Wanted to love it... but unfortunately didn't. Found it entertaining but a little too Disney-ish and with too many inaccuracies from the truth. Seemed more like a "based on a true story" movie in my opinion. I would have thought with May and Taylor in board to over see things, you couldn't get more accurate but was confused to why they added the big "forgive me" scene along with "we haven't played in years, this could be suicide" when talking about doing Live Aid. At that point they had just finished The Works tour a month or two previous.... they were well oiled. I assume it was added for Hollywood drama purposes? Or the fact that Freddy really didn't know he had contracted aids until much later after Live Aid. Is that really how Freddy met the band and Mary?....hmm I dont think so. Oh well, like I said, it was entertaining and cool to hear their great music through out.