OK..to all who are falling prey to 2.5 stars...this is due to 1 star given by all annoyed physiotherapists group who might have taken oath to impact the rating due to one controversial comment in the series ( with no disregard to the profession itself). Their aonnoyance proves they feel componder as low grade job( why so then and who gave them this right?).And how many of them are physiotherapists by choice?. It is entertainment industry, no one has described it a legally qualified comment..its an opinion that too of a drama character and could be of many living characters also( infact it is). So chill and rate the series without getting hit by a comment, every profession has its own significance and importance...right from housemaids to CEO of a company...but not all are equal..its all difference of educational facts behind all of them which eventually get them placed where they are.
Conclusion: Series is AWESOME and one minute silence for Physiotherapists.Sorry guys, i know it hurts but you are NOT doctors and hard truth is that almost all of you are not physiotherapists by choice but as a last option to MBBS as you couldnot make to it.