This movie is thought-provoking and makes you wonder whether this could happen in our lifetime. NEWSFLASH!! It indeed can, maybe not to the full extent of what the movie suggests, but similar concepts. However, this movie falters at its inability to create meaningful characters. I just didn't care for the characters at all. On top of this, I found myself getting angry at the film for letting our main character Mae (Emma Watson) fall deeper into The Circle and its 'totalitarian regime'. Usually, it would seem good for a movie to do this as, on the outskirts, it seems as getting angry at what the company is doing in its attempt to limit privacy, is a completely normal reaction. However, in saying this, the movie does a complete 180 with its ending that destroys the entire message of this movie. The message being something like 'don't let the government, as well as huge corporations, take away your freedoms and privacy', but the ending completely wipes this message out from underneath the viewers' seats and instead gives you an unfulfilled ending that just makes you annoyed at the movie even more. It's worth a watch and will make you more libertarian by the end of it, but the movie isn't great so don't expect it to be.