I've been in this game since the beginning. I was in the forum on the first day. I was a first round ALPHA tester, BETA weekend, BETA and SUPERTESTER. I've read many of the comments here and I see both sides of them. Many people are missing the point. This game is a business. It is designed to make money. Many of us in ALPHA commented that the game was not ready when they announced it was going live but were ignored. We hoped for a realistic game, but were dissapointed. This game IS NOT supposed to be a realistic, FAIR WWII game. This game has one mission- TO KEEP YOU PLAYING! So it's like a socialist thing. Bad players are pulled up, great players are pulled down. I know people have noticed things like: games ending before all players on opposing team dead or before time runs out. Get an enemy down to that last little bit of health and no matter how many times you hit after that he doesn't die. Your shells are totally inaccurate one day and dead on the next day same ship. Those are games your team is NOT SUPPOSED to win! It's the programming of the MM(matchmaker) to keep you playing. If the bad players sink,they get frustrated and they stop playing, if the top players are on top, they get bored and stop playing. The program keeps all of us in an area where we want to keep playing. Playing is paying.
So my advise is: Don't pay for anything! Play to have fun. If you play one day and you notice you have lost a few in a row, STOP PLAYING for that day. Come back tomorrow. It's your day to be dragged down.