I'm just now finishing up chapter two and I'm tempted to call it insufferable but calling it annoying and sad I think would suffice. The themes of time and mortality are all interesting in how he frames it as all happening at once and has always happened and will always happen. (Sounds like the first season of True Detective psychobabble) which I like but I'm tired of reading the phrase 'so it goes' already. I'm not very motivated to continue reading it other than curiosity and to be able to say I actually read the whole thing instead of just absorbing the themes through summaries. To be fair, this was published in the late 60's and I'm sure it must have been really impressive and out-there for it's time but being a 90's kid, it just feels like dated sci-fi and it reads like it was written by a quirky, I'm-not-like-other-girls, try-hard, counter-culture teen girl wrote it. I don't want to call it bad because I've read bad and this isn't exactly it, but this isn't really that great so far. Vonnegut has an ease for telling a story but I'm really just not drawn to it. No disrespect, RIP Vonnegut, I'm sure this novel was groundbreaking and spectacular in it's time.