Alright, I waited to finished the whole story before posting an opinion. I understand I am a bit late to the party but better late than never. My true rating here is 2.5 but I’ll give the game the benefit of the doubt here as I did have some fun. After a solid 60-70 hours, I have finally completed this game and I’m not sure if I should be relieved or angry at how disappointed I am with this game. It was fun and new, for the first 10 or so hours. The story dragged on and on and on and frankly I saw no character development, as there really is only 2 characters. The territory story line all seems super disconnected and not apart of the main story line. I grew tired of find missing people and fight one battle wars for a “friendship” that can’t really be felt. This game was filled with stupid small things that add to the dragging story. For example why on earth do you make me ride 1000ms to a spot on a hill, then have a 3 second dialogue of you saying meet me in town. Not to mention the meaningless chores you have to do such as deliver boxes to people.
For a game that legitimately takes 60+ hours to complete just the main story line, you’d think they’d keep in interesting with new challenges and new characters you’ll meet throughout. A game that comes to mind, but is in a total different league is RDR2. Roughly the same play time, and yet RDR2 seemed to go by so fast, as with this game all I wanted was to get it over with. Like I mentioned Earlier everything seems disconnected and I feel like the characters I met from each area, I won’t ever see again.
Final thoughts. This isn’t the assassins creed I knew and loved. I hope the next game has a more compelling story, something that doesn’t feel lazy. And Ubi, please NO CHORES