Young or old, in some way or another, you'll relate to this show.
Sex Education isn't just about sex, it's about learning self appreciation, respect and living life as best as possible with the choices we have in front of us.
There aren't many shows that I'll fall in to the trap of binge watching straight through on a Saturday night, but this is one of them.
What starts as what seems to be another raunchy series, turns into a story of many characters who seem to have it all or nothing in between, whom come to realize that they're no more special than the person next to them, no more right or wrong than the one they criticize or blame.
Casting is fantastic - Asa nails the lead role as a normal and confused 16 year old but with a gift, to calm and guide those who seek his help in finding the answer to any slight imperfections they may have with themselves or with their partner.
A blend of comedy, love and drama - Sex Education is a well balanced and written series that takes you for a ride that's full of heart.
With the variety of characters in this show, each and every one of us should have some one to feel familiar with.
A must watch!
9/10 in my book.
Can't wait for season 2! Well done Netflix!