I have been playing mtg Arena since beta and have been consistently let down. I enjoy playing magic but for whatever reason playing this game is the most frustrating experience every time. Every other game you will sit back and watch as you play nothing but lands or get mana screwed. Ever draw 8-10 lands in a row? Well I bet you will if you try mtga arena.When you do get to actually play cards you will face mono red and every disgusting top tier net deck in the standard format.
I have had some fun playing the limited formats but the deck shuffling is so broken it is often really difficult to stabilize anything other than a one color deck. I will say there is a lot of potential content to access for free and if your into grinding you can eventually build a decent library by doing the daily challenges.
All I really want out of this game is to be able to jump on periodically and enjoy a few games of magic. Unfortunately I end up frustrated and want to smash my monitor instead.