I thought it was a truly great effort. For myself, watching other adaptations of true events it is often very clear how much of the reality is sifted aside and rewritten to conform to our supremely structured western style, however invariably for me when the curiosity is then sparked the flame quickly dies when one realises how unlike the truth these films have become. This has always struck me as cynical, and a disrespect to our history and the events within, and even more so to the act of filmmaking itself as if to say that reality can only be screen worthy if it can be realigned into the same structure we’d encounter in a superhero epic. I highly recommend this film purely because it’s entertainment value is derived through its passion for sticking to what happened, how it happened, doing so with the additional magic that only cinema offers to really pull us in, and try to get us to understand this extremely wicked individual, and some of the sidelines characters who knew him, or... so they thought. Plus, great performances all round, great cast, well shot. Watch it.