I initially played this game since launch, loved it and bought loads of supporter packs. However despite the adult rated content, I have had ongoing issues and dismays over the developer's overtly excessive moderation, filtering and banning users including myself for use of adult language in the game. Apparently it is fine to create and play a game with such gorey and violent themes, but the userbase is treated like 5 year olds with the overwhelmingly excessive number of rules and however many pages of useless EULA that somehow every player is supposed to memorize line for line and always be 100% alert and aware of whilst playing. While the core gameplay is phenomenal, it is highly let down both by being an online game which means potentially losing your account if you break any of the multitude of ridiculous special snowflake rules (they even banned discussion or any kind of role play relating to vore), and this doesnt even factor in the number of disconnects that happen due to the online nature.
ARPGs were never intended to be a solely online only experience. While optional online to play with friends is always welcome, putting these kind of games into a fully always online MMO-like mechanic completely ruin them, and this also negatively impacts how the pathetically stingy drop rates in this game are balanced around trading with other players instead of balanced for being able to farm and find your own gear (Play for 5+ years and never see a single Koams Heart or Shavaraths Wrappings drop for example).
The potential greatness and continued enjoyment of this game is fully locked behind and hindered entirely by the online play dictating what you can or cannot say while playing, and ruining the games balance for single player / solo players.