“God Sees the Truth, but waits” is a beautiful heart touching story by Leo Tolstoy.The story revolves around Ivan Demitrich Aksionov(hero of the story). He spent 26 years of his life in prison in Siberia away from his family for a crime that he didn’t committed. After 26 year he meets Makar the real murderer in prison.
On one occasion guards notice that someone has been secretly digging hole in ground in order to scape . And Ivan knows that the hole digger in none other than Makar .When police ask him about the hole Ivan keeps himself shut . Seeing this act of kindness , at midnight Makar comes to Ivan and confesses that is the one who had killed merchant. However, Ivan forgive him and feels as if a colossal burden has been removed from his chest. Makar confesses his crime to the authorities.
The story is about the truth though it can be years and centuries but truth can not be kept hidden.