The show is perfect blend of psychological actions, fights, comedy, beauties and everything one would want to see in a tv show which airs daily for 45 mins. The series is one of the most integral part of indian pop culture without it the indian pop culture would be incomplete
This show has spread the term reality tv or show to all over india
There have been 12 seasons as of 2018 and people want it to never end though it has had it's ups and downs
Primarily this show was hosted by new hosts every year but when salman took the role of the host he was just perfect
Now he is jus bored and insults evry one who is better than him. The one thing this show needs is better host like ranveer singh or contestants who are sinceree not like some lame popular celebs who don't do anything like sreesant or rahul dev
I personally think this show should air twice every year with one being for the common people and the other for celebs like how it was in uk that would be perfect