It is neither a good story, nor a good fact. I think the Director of this program, actually a very child he/she does not know how a story attract viewers. You do not think that I and most of the reviewers, are regular viewer, no, not at all. When I shaw first, very then I found it is most worthless program and deduct the progrm from my daily list. And not only me, it is heapping for most of the viewers, like my mother, our joint family members, friends etc. Most laughing matter is your Jaba, mother-in-law and father-in-law of Jaba are always crying like you for money. Please stop this story as early as possible until unless tv broad casting corporation exit you by kick behind your boom. For long time you are block this time for another good program.
Requesting to the TV broadcasting corporation (Star Jalsa) that, immediately stop this bad program until unless viewers will stop watching and will watching ZEE BANGLA at this time. Be carefull, lots of viewers already doing this.
ওরে Director এবার ছার ৮ বছর হয়েগেছে।