This movie was definitely different feel to the first 2 Rocky movies because he has a mansion, more rich and became a celebrity fighter, but what I found interesting about this movie was Rocky being in the ring more than once in this movie. After he fought handpicked fighters, he fought against Thunderlips which was an outstanding exhibition with the heavyweight boxing champion against the heavyweight wrestling champion, lost the first fight to Clubber Lang then won the rematch against him. Butkus wasn't in this movie which I wasn't a fan of, but it wasn't the worse thing about this movie, it was Mickey's Death with Rocky losing his edge throughout a large chunk of this movie. Even though death is irreversible and permanent, I liked how Adrian straighten him out and the way Apollo and Tony Duke trained him on the beach and in Apollo's original gym. What I found strange about Apollo's old gym was that it was in California and yet the rematch site was across the country in New York City in Madison Square Garden. It would have been slightly more entertaining if there was a few more rounds in the rematch with the two fighters trading blows, but overall the rematch was the best part of the movie. I thought Clubber Lang's character was funny, but a vicious fighter who didn't mess around with his opponents including Rocky. Mr. T did a phenomenal job depicting Clubber and Sylvester Stallone's acting was great as well as scripting the movie. I like the favor at the end at Mickey's Gym and the painting of Apollo and Rocky's 3rd fun fight with the credits.