Chris, my name is Maggie and I am 67 years old. I would like for you to ask a question for the government, congress, the senate, all of them........My you worry about putting food on the table for your family? Have you ever had to stand or drive thru a food bank in order to get food for your family? Are you still receiving a paycheck? Does it make you proud to divide this country like it has never been divided before? What in God's name are you all thinking? People are hurting and yet you still play are playing with our lives, our children's lives out of what? Spite? Are your children proud of you? Please make us understand WHY you are doing what you are doing. I haven't even mentioned Covid because it's obviously not a concern of yours, of any of yours. It's shameful and you make it hard to stand tall and be proud to be an American. Government......grow up for God's sake and do your damn jobs.