I’d rate 0 if I could honestly. I like some aspects. I think gunplay is ok and the maps a meh enough to get by. Almost everything else about the game is rough. From big things like helicopters being virtually immortal to cutscenes interrupting weapon customization. This game is trying to be the new modern battlefield akin to BF4 but ends up being some cringe piece of garbage that makes me reminisce about Hardline. The thing that annoys me most is how little evidence there is that this is a futuristic military or even a military at all. The boys in BF1 (set in 1914-1918) mastered stabbing people on the ground but in this game the advance techno-soldiers need to pick the dainty lads up before ripping out their jugular. And by making me choose from a selection of people to play as I ultimately feel less unique. Hard to think of my self as a hardened badass when there’s five of me running around my objective alone. And I hate modern games that do this release strat where they launch an unfinished game that crashes on Xbox series X, and say it’s just new it’ll take time to work them out. Then there’s a discount and suddenly it’s bad because it’s cheap. Maybe I’m old fashioned but back in the day if you bought a rubber duck and got a rubber beak that didn’t float, but a promise that you might see that fixed later, that salesman would be out of business and in some trouble with the law.