This has probably been my favorite book in the series so far! I read the last 500 pages in one single day because I could not put it down. My favorite part is always the relationship between Strike and Robin, two brilliantly written characters who I both love but also want to yell at at certain points.
I love the idea of them solving a cold case, with so many interesting side characters this time! It's a long book, but they are working on the case for over a year with lots of family troubles and heartbreak in between. It never got boring or hard to follow. The ending caught me by surprise (as always!) and I am sad I now have to wait at least another year for the next chapter in Strike's and Robin's journey.
Side Note: I am not sure why there was so much negative press about this? There's no mention of a trans character, but instead it is mentioned twice in passing that a well known male serial killer maybe wore women's clothing as a disguise when he was out looking for victims. If there wasn't so much press about this it would've been a small detail that I would definitely have paid no attention to.