The plot enforces old mentalities which should not belong in 2020.
Although, the visuals were beautiful.
Yuu is introduced as a character who many people would be considered disabled because he uses a wheel chair. When he is transported to this alternative world he regains the use of his legs and becomes the focal point of the story, however when Yuu and Haru return to the human world where he cannot sword fight or walk anywhere, there is this over arching feeling that his usefulness does not follow. He is just reduced to being the third wheel in his little friend group.
This is further emphasized at the end of the movie when Yuu was faced with the reality that if he travels through the portal to return to the human world, he would have to use his wheel chair for the rest of his life and never be able to return to the alternate world. Therefore, the writers made it so he chose to stay in the alternate world.
Furthermore, the whole damzel in distress thing with the princess is an entire other issue in itself. Women need to be portrayed as strong individuals, and who do not need men to save them. As much as I love princess movies, this whole idea is outdated and needs to be replaced with something better.