On your Sunday Morning News show January 9, your panel of historians, absent a vantage point gleaned from the passage of time, were quick to give a “D” and “F” performance grade to President Trump. In Today’s program, January 16, a more circumspect group of historians wisely demurred in giving President Biden a grade reasoning that the events are too current to render an historical perspective… a consideration Trump was denied. Interestingly Trump was graded on his time in office beginning with his inauguration until the day of the riots on January 6, 2021. The failure to include the two months prior to his inauguration at which time seditious powers that be were at work trying to delegitimize an elected president was a glaring oversight. To leave out this prequel in the analysis of Trumps term in office is like leaving out the bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7,1941 and instead beginning an assessment of World War II on the day war was actually declared on December 8. In both foreign and domestic wars, causative factors and the passage of are critical to understanding the totality of events.