I am a melanated human being who enjoyed Song of the South as a child. The presentation was entertaining and I had no knowledge of the full impact of how a specific group of people were portrayed to mass audiences. As a mature adult who could portray Uncle Remus (gray beard, skin complexion, etc.), and living in a racist world, with no white friends, an income a fraction of the average 'white' person and daily encounters with more frowning faces than smiling ones, I get the point of the film's detractors.
The movie's writing and musical score are remarkable, the problem is a preponderance of 'black' persons in subservient roles outside the movie theaters, and the impression it leaves on those who don't know any better. It affects perceptions at the workplace, at schools, in government, sports and many other settings in society. These images are extremely difficult to overcome, and it will take many generations to repair the imbalances present in society amongst people of contrasting hues and backgrounds. The solution starts in the homes and familes where racism is explained and condemned, and in the education and mass media content. We believe what we see as much if not more that what we read or are taught...