This show from a writing stand point is an utter train wreck. (Warning; this contains serious spoilers) Unlike the original Sherlock Holmes series, this is not a fun, solve it with the detective sort of thing. More of, Benedict Cumberbatch in a long coat calls you an idiot for not knowing something that we would have had NO way of knowing. And example of this was a man was killed by a assassin and had some of his trademarks. An assassin we would have had no way of knowing the hints of or were we aware of his existence. Honestly. And, I kid you not, we waste almost a whole episode to talk about how a man gets killed by a boomerang? How in the world did BBC let this show go on. And the character of John Watson is utterly pointless. In the books, he is a sort of narrator. Now he just sorts of uselessly tags along. No point in his character anymore. Oh, and did I mention that Sherlock is traumatized by a sister he doesn’t even remember killing his dog? Because that is a thing that actually happened. Also, queer baiting. There’s lot of it. They make a “so are you 2 gay or something?” joke just about every episode. I can get that once, but dear chuck are they really pushing it. Please, for the love of someone, watch something else that’s worth your time.