This really is not my cup of tea. Don't get me wrong, I love anime. But this... this doesn't feel like Anime nor does it feel like Star Wars. This show does have its perks but honestly, I felt like I was shooting myself in the foot repeatedly as I watched it. For example (SPOILERS), one of the scenes shows a 'jedi', a lightside user, taking away a saber from a sith acolyte and the red lightsaber immediately turns green. Like...? No. That's not how it works. Whether you believe the original quest to find a specific kyber crystal or imbuing it with your force presence and gaining a color... It doesn't work that way on a lightsaber. Then there's the episode of the twins where-... Man, a lot of this just rubbed me the wrong way and I did not enjoy it sadly. I really did try but... Wow. All I can say is, I'm glad this is not canon and I appreciate it for what it tried to be but... It's not there.