score: 4.5/5
This movie made me so angry i love it so much and as an Introvert, this movie tortured the hell out of me with those ppl comin inside. The story is abt Mother(mother nature), Him(God), Man(Adam), and woman (Eve) it portrays some biblical scenes and the most obvious one is the two brothers that portrays Cain and Abel. This movie shows how humanity is slowly destroying
Mother Earth/Nature, steals from her, wars, and they show love and respect to God but not to mother nature. It also shows how God is sooooo selfish because he just loves ppl worshiping him but doesn’t even care abt mother nature and just wants to forgive them in everything theyve done.
Caution: If you have anger issues and an Introvert, beware of this movie cuz itll make you anxious and angry. The shots are soooo suffocating that you dont have time to breathe easily(less wide/long shots) and its mostly close up shots, its intended to make u suffocate.