I absolutely LOVE this show especially Katy Mixon! Her character Katy Otto is refreshing...she's not perfect, makes mistakes, apologizes AND isn't a tiny woman! Her relationship with Cooper is awesome and I'd love to see more of these two interact. Trip and Taylor are so cute together and I'm looking forward to seeing their relationship turn into a lasting one like Katy and Greg! Greg is so excellent as the husband and patriarch of this family. He's calm and cool and totally in love with his wife. Oliver needs to chill out more...he's too obsessed with being rich and he doesn't have the swagger to pull off rich yet. He needs to learn this swagger and then be obsessed with money. Anna-Kat is quirky and cute and it's fun to see how her OCD finds her doin more stuff to frustrate and amaze her parents. I don't know how the new Anna-Kat is cuz I am so used to Julia Butters who is great. Gisele is good too but she has some big shoes to fill. Let's have more of Viv and Katy's mom too!