I’m watching tonight’s news on PBS….they are at the Iowa State Fair. They interviewed Democratic leaning voters asking which Democrat they were most interested in. They were watching and trying to make an informed decision.
Next they asked a Republican voter (middle-aged white guy) about why he would vote for Trump again. He said Trump was just like him…”a regular guy” . This man WAS just a ‘regular guy’…a non-descript middle-aged white guy. No tattoos
… no AK 47’s or AR 15’s…looked ‘corn-fed’.
I know a PBS reporter can’t ask him these questions; but I can:
As a ‘regular guy”:
Have you ever cheated on your wife?
While cheating on your wife, did you have a public affair?
Have you ever had 6 or 7 bankruptcies?
Have you ever ‘stiffed’ your creditors?
Have you ever associated with known pedophiles?
I believe this Iowan white male means well…but my children and grand children want more.