Unquestionably the worst big budget film released in 2020; quite an accomplishment really.
It’s difficult to make out what George Clueless was trying to accomplish with this train-wreck of a movie and it’s astonishing to think it even made it past the script reading stage. I think he was aiming to make a profound movie like ‘2001 A Space Odessey’ but had absolutely no idea how to go about it other than have long periods of the film with zero dialogue and an omnipresent loud, overbearing orchestral soundtrack to fill in the gaps. If you thought Prometheus had some of the stupidest, implausible astronauts to ever hit the big screen, wait until you see this lot. I particularly liked the bit where they went out into the gravely dangerous space walk, which their lives depended on, then burst into song; because that’s obviously what you’d do in such a situation.
Plot-holes, woefully two dimensional characters, plagiarism of his own movies (Gravity), a completely unexplained premise for the whole movie, this steaming pile of manure has it all. I would give it zero if that was an option.