I have never liked Tori and felt she was with Zach for the fame/money. She was never attractive in her face or body and now she is obese and her mean personality is showing more and more which makes her doubly unattractive. Tori is definitely the smarter one as Zach has never been all that intelligent. Tori most definitely wears the pants in that family. Zach is like Prince Harry - totally henpecked. Both Zach and Tori are disgusting for using their children to hurt Matt because they are mad at him because they didn't get their way so Matt is not allowed to see his grandchildren and they are moving away to emphasize that point. Worse, they used their little son to tell his father they were having a hissy fit and moving to another town instead of manning up and telling Matt themselves. Real parents do not use their children as pawns to hurt family or to deliver adult news.
Those 2 ingrates (Zach/Tori) would NOT BE ABLE TO AFFORD to sit on their unemployed fat behinds, buy 2 acres and a large home and have a fat wallet WITHOUT MATT. I can see the wheels turning in greedy Tori's head. She wants to have their own spin off show and cut Matt/farm out which is why she was a big instigator in moving away from the town/farm. If they do, I hope their show fails and they have to get a real job like the parents Jon/Kate Kate Gosselin had to after their shows failed and the money dried up. At least Jon/Kate created their own brand...Zach & Tori are just living large off the Roloff brand which Matt created. Tub of lard Tori is supposed to be a teacher but hasn't taught since she hit the gravy train. Zach doesn't appear to be employed either. They must live off the Little People Big World earnings which if weren't for Matt, would not exist. Zach would not be able to make any kind of money because he has no skills. Certainly Tori/Zach together on their own without the Roloff brand name would be living in a tiny home or an apartment and having to actually work a 9-5 job.
I just watched the episode where Zach/Tori Mat/Karen sat down and apparently had a blow up when negotiating the North side of the farm. Zach had the gall to question why Karen was at the land negotiations. How dare Zach question Karen being there backing up Matt when Tori was there backing him up. It does not matter that Matt is not married to Karen yet. She is his life partner as much as Tori is to Zach. Zach and Tori wanted a 2 on 1 against his own father and Karen ruined their plans to bowl him over. I think they wanted the North side of the farm to have more of the show focus on them. Tori does not even like farm animals (like chickens, goats, etc) which she made VERY abundantly clear over the years. Now these 2 brats who got rich off his father's brains/show/business smarts moved out of town “to show his father how INDEPENDENT they are LOL LOL LOL when Zach and Tori have been living off what Matt created since Zach was born and since Tori married Zach. You know they are thinking of starting a spin off show. Zach and Tori want to have another baby to put the spotlight back on them which I lay odds will never happen. I hope Little People Big World ends this year with no spin off or a failed spin off (as most spin off do fail) and spoiled rotten Zach and lazy fat Tori will have to get real jobs. If they continue to use Jackson/Lilah as pawns against Matt, I hope Matt cuts them out of his will. The show should just run its course and end. Get real jobs - ingrates.