Plain and simple this game is one you can reliably play with or without friends and in both cases provides you with captivating and tactical gameplay. Many people say this game is pay to win but I’ve not payed a cent extra and Have completed a good chunk of the story while not having many problems with enemies. Ubisoft has tried in the past to discourage players from attacking high level enemies by making them bullet sponges but in this game if you are smart and stealthy you can venture into the highest level areas without worrying about being found out since headshots always work. I’ve found that even when around gear level 60 (1-220) when with friends I could take on the highest rated drones (with great effort). If anybody says this game is pay to win they are obviously just not good enough at the game and need to rely on their bank account to defeat enemies. I’d rate this game 9/10 simply because of the extra time you have to take out of your day to dismantle or sell extra weapons and gear so that you can pick up new things.